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What are the disadvantages of hiking?

A picture of a woman foot traveling in ice, a disadvantages of hiking.

Even if you're a beginner: You can't tell me it never occurred to you that you might get injured on a hiking trip?

Look risks are inevitable in everything, even good relationships comes with a combination of both positives and negatives.

1. Injuries

Don't ask me Why? For some reasons the universe is balanced upon two opposites; like day and night. In the case of hiking cons, you risk getting badly injured or lose your life.

Climbing mountains, making your way past sharp curves or steep inclinations is no joke. I wouldn't suggest taking up a big trip, especially in the beginning.

You might as well begin with short local trips and gradually upgrade to more challenging ones as your experience grows.

Oh! And remember to go on mountain climbing training programs to ensure your safety on a similar journey.

2. Get Lost

It's a sad but true reality. Hikers get lost and get reported missing. Especially if you're a loner, you risk taking on something bigger than you.

Thus it's highly recommended you join a hiking group. Anything bigger than 4 people is considered a hiking group. When it comes to hiking teamwork is the difference between life and death.

And don't just join a group of amateurs like yourself. Instead go for professional outdoor organisers. The insight and expertise of experienced professionals will really help you to return in one piece.

3. Get Trapped

Getting trapped somewhere in the Canyon or cave isn't an exaggeration. It happens and it happened to many outdoor travelers who took a wrong turn.

If you watch programs like "I Survived" you wouldn't need much convincing. There are even scenarios where people fell into a hole in the middle of the woods.

We often only hear about the people who made it out. As for the ones who didn't, there's nobody to tell their stories.

4. Dehydration

There's only so much water you can carry around on every walk into the unknown. Extreme weather conditions is part of the package. Whether it's excessive rain, wind or heat; you should be ready for everything.

Imagine taking an endless sweaty stroll buzzing heat. I hope you properly calculated the amount of water needed for you trip, or at least how to get access to natures reserves.

Because doing a physical exercise already dehydrates you, now imagine exercising under the sun? If you didn't take water seriously, this trip will teach you the true value of it.

5. Get Mugged

Like malicious parasites, the pandemic of criminals are part of society. They tend to prey on the weak or unexpected foreigners.

Asking for directions from the wrong person could mislead you into the laps of unexpected syndicate groups. They tend to love tourists, travelers or people on hiking trips.

Learning the local language is important, because it helps you to understand plots taking place right under your nose.

And also make sure you check the crime statistics and research the locality that you're visiting. Don't just jump in cars or leave you belongings out of you sight.

It would be beneficial if you learn a few self defence techniques. And rather use a professional local guide, if you're traveling to town or local neighborhoods.

6. Get Attacked

In a general sense you can get attacked by malicious people, wild animals or any other ferocious creatures. As beautiful as the world may be, there are many scary things that comes with the package.

Realistically learn about all the creatures and inhabitants of the place your visiting. In order to position yourself in the most secure situation.

I mean life is a risk and regardless whether we visit a place or stay in our homes. The risk of falling victim to some threat is inevitable. However, a little preparation can turn all the odds in your favor.

7. Get Kidnapped

There are just some rogue places out there and no matter how attractive nature is. The threat of some barbaric inhabitants are apparent.

Instead of being thankful for tourists visiting their countries, they rather plot themselves out of qualifying as a tourist attractions.

They kidnap hikers, tourists or foreigners for ransom demands. This is another common threat of high risk countries. Extreme poverty ridden places and sometimes even first world countries also falls under these categories.

8. Lose Your Belongings

High definition cameras, quality backpacking equipment or any other valuable belongings, can be considered a gold mine to criminals.

Keeping that in mind can save you from the threats of losing, in situations when you pass through certain localities.

There are of course smart backpack designs with main pockets inside, instead of exposed to pickpockets.

Travel light don't carry jewelry or unnecessary items on a hiking trip, only take what really matters.

9. Get Caught Up In Civil War

Always research your country's political relationship with foreign countries you're visiting, and make it a point to research months ahead of your actual trip.

Don't blindly visit places that are on the brink of civil war. There are many cases where travelers got stuck in the middle of some political fued.

The lockdown is the latest example of such experiences, although it's not a political dispute. The fact that tourists got stuck all over the world till their money ran out, is a good experience of closed borders.

In cases on civil wars or political disputes the consequences may be even more dire.

In Summary:

To professionally consult a hiking guide is therefore very important. Hiking adventures is not something that you can simply embark on out of the blue. It's much more serious and you have really choose professional help.

It's not even an undertaking you can go at alone, you need a good team of experienced people. Stick to the professional route, information and advice.