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8 Ankle Joint And Ligament Saving Features To Look For In A Hiking Boot?

Picture of lady pondering over what to look for in a hiking boot

In a hiking boot look for shock absorbing insoles, breathable midsoles, ground gripping outer soles, ankle covering height boots, with joint protection padding, waterproof lining and learn why it's important.

This article will point out 8 crucial features, explaining the advantages, and also discuss the physical health benefits.

In a nutshell| You're about to learn the following:

The first thing that should come to mind when you're choosing a Hiking Boot are: Feet security, because they're your key drivers and without them you're pretty much unable to continue on your journey.

There Are 8 Most Undeniable Characteristics To Look For In Hiking Boots:

Fitting your shoes is the last thing on your mind. Because if they're not strong, comfortable and ground gripping. You're a potential accident in the making.

1. Ankle Protection Padding:

A good hiking boot should be above your ankles to protect your joints and ligaments.

It must also provide all the necessary support for your heels; which ultimately benefits your knees. Especially when you're walking on an upward slope or downward slope.

2. Shock Absorbing Insoles To Cushions Your Heavy Steps:

Unlike smooth or level ground, ruff terrain are usually difficult to penetrate. It's an uneven, slippery and crumbling rocky track.

(You may also like: Essential Gear For Beginner Hikers).

Your foot steps are usually heavier, with the dead weight of your body mass, burdensome backpack and other handheld equipment.

The vibrations of every step can send shock waves through your entire body. Starting from your foot bed, penetrating your ankles, heels, knees legs, and spine.

The more you walk, the more lethal the long-term effects become. It's like your entire body vibrates like a drill.

It's very important to wear suitable hiking shoes that neutralizes the impact of your steps.

Foam based insoles provides a cushion for your foot bed, to diffuse potential ligament injuries, foot cramps or hikers knee problems

3. Middle Sole:

Sophisticated outdoor footwear designers went a step further by developing a midsole to support the outsole and insole.

Which further emphasizes additional foot protection against shock, sharp objects that may pierce through your soles and it helps to sustains ultimate feet security.

4. Breathable tubes:

A combination of heavy duty walks, long distances, tough terrain and intense heat; amounts to sweaty feet. Which could further develop into blisters, torn skin with a burning sensation, etc.

Unless there's enough ventilation passing through your feet. Which ultimately makes it breathable, reduce the cooking pressure of heat and keeps your feet dry.

Plus drains moister and other water elements that might circumstantially access your footgear. It even keeps your hiking socks dry and prevent smelly feet odours.

4. Waterproof layers:

Some footgear has a rubber outer lining to block water from accessing your boot. While other may have an internal water resistant sole.

Either way it's important to prevent water from entering your shoes. Whether it comes from rain, water streams that you might pass through or muddy puddles.

Apart from it being uncomfortable to trudge forward with wet feet. Water can also soften your skin, create friction in your shoes, and tear your skin.

5. Thick Covering Material:

Quality hiking boots are usually made from thick leather or non-animal fabric. Whatever you preferences may be, the fact remains the same.

Open nature exposes your feet to an unlimited amount of potential injurious threats.

Examples such as sharp objects, piercing branches, thorns, poisonous instects/snakes, sharp edge stones, rusted metal, random holes and so on.

Thus you need suitably thick, strong and sterdy footwear to prevent these threats from easily penetrating your feet.

6. Flexible Fabric:

As much as your hiking shoes may have all the above features, it should go the extra mile to sustain effortless movements.

Since you'll be spending most of your time walking, it should at least make it easier to do so by being flexible.

Unlike steel cap boots that are solid, strong and stiff. This footgear should be similar on a safety level, but generous on adjustability to awkward walking conditions.

Since all the components of a good hiking boot; namely: Inner sole, middle sole, outer sole and upper section are made separately. It also cleverly fitted together to make the movement of your feet easier.

7. Lightweight Design:

As thick and strong good quality outdoor footwear are, they surprisingly defy the laws of physics by being lightweight.

The worst experience ever, is the drag your legs in heavy weight boots on a long distance walk.

That's why most experienced hikers recommend lighter footwear, without compromising the safety benefits of course.

8. Rigid Outer Sole:

Although some dare devil mountain climbing enthusiasts may tell you that hiking is the baby version of outdoor hobbies. Don't be fooled! One misstep can lead to serious injuries.

Sprained ankle, broken legs or swollen ligaments are routine in this activity. Slippery soles is the culprit of many deadly accidents.

Therefore; rigid ground gripping outer soles that cuts into ruff terrain and firmly plants your foot steps on uneven surfaces; is critical. To prevent you from ending up; in critical condition.

In Summary:

The main purpose of hiking boots is to protect your joints from excessive shock, avoid injuries from sharp sole piercing objects, plant your feet firm on slippery, uneven and rocky surfaces. Fitting your boots are the last thing you do, if you're an experienced hiker.

Protection from moister, breathability (air ventilation prevent sweat of water build up), and stabilization. Long lasting quality to withstand wear and tear of excessive walking on sharp shoe damaging stones.

Then comes the right fit to prevent pinches, blisters or internal friction; which happens to be the easiest part. Even a kid can tell whether a shoe fits or not.