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Battery Energizing Backpack for College Students

picture of techie student sitting with backpacks and laptop on the college staircase

Hey you, young technical loving youngster. I have some exciting news for you.

Imagine this: As you walk your backpack moves in a rythmatic motion, which gets converted electricity that can be used to power a laptops, smartphones and other electronic gadgets. Learn more about Solar Backpacks and how it works

But first let's talk about Evenote App

Your lockdown rotational school days is over. We're returning back to the old normal. But look at the bright side; at least the Pandemic seems to be on holiday. (Let's Hope So!)

You can never have a good ending with a bad beginning. So you might as well begin your new school year with Evernote.

Think of going back to college or school as another opportunity to organize your old mess and starting afresh (keep good study notes).

Evernote is something to feel good about; ever heard of it? Well it's a note-taking app; designed to help you manage your study workload.

Speaking of keeping smart notes; here's some smart forward thinking tips for class. Yup! Whether it's cool or not, your time for doing you is on hold, and it's time for following your teachers instructions.

They say education is like a newborn baby. You first have to feed it, nuture and support it. Considering the financial burdens such as: School fees,text books, stationary, excursions and all the other educational cost.

However you qualifications is like an adult. It will take care of you, your family and financial responsibilities. Which kinda makes sense, if you consider what a good career can afford you.

What? You don’t have a backpack, yet? Luckily, it's not the most difficult thing to find. Although finding a Good one is not that easy.Don't fret about it; because we’re already did the annoying parts for you.

Sit back while we present to you some of the most coolest bags for techie students.

It will do much more than simply carry your heavy books and other necessary stuff. But it will keep your fun techie gadgets, energized and ready for the go!

At last...you don't have worry about your smartphone taking it's final beep of dying battery. Thanks to the boring lecturer!

General Use Bags With Chargers

These smart bags are designed with powering your mobile phones and tablet batteries up; in mind.

Tylt Energi+ Backpack

Now haven't used every bag I write about; I mean there's only So much of me to go around. But my technical and backpacking background rewarded me with an excellent eye for detail. I know a good bag, when I see one!

First and foremost it's important for students to feel all their pricey goods are safe and sound. Which is at the core of its design:

It’s comfortably large, with a sporting finish;1,450 cubic inches of space. Making it quite conveniently easy for you to place all your books in the bag without any difficulty.

Most importantly it will also keep a large, 15-inch laptop with ease. Technically it has 13 pockets, making it increasingly easier to carry every single one of your precious electronic devices. Read the battery energizing rucksacks for mobility.