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What Are The Challenges Of Hiking? (8 Shocking Truths!)

An image of the challenges of hiking unprepared

You know that feeling of; what have I gotten myself into? Be prepared to experience many of those moments. Because the benefits of hiking are not free from risks and obstacles. Such as wild animal threats, crime statistics, political climates, language barriers, slippery slopes, crumbling rocks or climbing Knife Edge Peaks.

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Problems like: Chronic illnesses, sudden weather changes, natural disasters, bone fractures, falling, slipping, getting trapped or lost.

Are a few examples of real life challenges that can turn your outdoor adventure into a emergency call.

By taking them in account before going on your trip. You stay alert and intelligently avoid them.

The Difficulties Of Hiking And Why Does It Matter?

Hikers is secretly attracted to calculations. We calculate the weights of our tents, distances, direction of the wind, temperatures, days traveling and so on.

Likewise by calculating all the potential barriers that may hinder you progress. You somehow get to draft a well calculated plan to them.

What Are The Disadvantage Of Hiking And Why Should You Know Them?

As much as you may embrace your outdoor enthusiasm,hobby or sport. You can't just one day decide to visit the wild, mountains, or a foreign Country; without professional research or planning your trip.

Or you may fall victim to any of the below. Which could have been avoided, if you read this warning first.

1. Health Related Issues:

Before you attempt exploring the world as a backpacker. Endure with you practitioner that you health is up to par.

Because the outdoors has a tendency of exposing; epileptic episodes, stroke incidents, asthma, heart failures, high blood pressure, diabetic attacks or other chronic illnesses.

2. Opportunistic Illnesses:

Muscle/stomach cramps, fatigue, short breath, hypothermia, drowsiness, dehydration, heat exhaustion or diarrhea.

3. Animal Or Insect Attacks:

You're likely to enter the territory of wild animals, venomous lizards, insects and snakes on your trail. And some of them might not accept your visit too kindly.

Learn about the inhabitants of state or country you're exploring. Don't make on of the common backpacking mistakes, by forgetting your first Aid Kit, essential backpacking equipment or emergency contacts.

4. Physical Injuries From Slipping Or Falling:

Slippery slopes, sharp curves, avalanche and crumbling rocks are some of the realities that mountain climbers deal with on a regular basis.

The only difference between them and you is they know what to avoid and you don't.

A mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside.

Might mean the end of your journey for life, if you're a beginner. Always travel with a trained guide or experienced group.

5. Criminal Attacks, Kid Nappings Or Political Uprisings:

Yes they live among us! Being in the wrong place at the wrong time can expose you to; criminals attacks, assualts, robberies, ransom attacks or getting hit in a cross fire.

You don't want to find yourself visiting a Country and get caught up in the middle of a civil war, or even worse get kid napped for ransom demands.

Research your destination first, consult a professional tour guide, talk to experts and stay on the safe side of the fence; while traveling.

6. Getting Trapped In A Ditch

If you thought this only happens to mine workers. I'm here to tell you you're wrong.

Natural disasters, land slides, avalanches, getting stuck in a mountain, or even incidents; such as falling in a hole somewhere in the Grand Canyon,the last thing you need is to be unprepared for emergency situations.

Not only are you trapped, but also severely injured. Other examples is an environmental catastrophe. Such as floods, forest fires, hurricanes, a tornado or storms, etc.

7. Fear of Heights Or Depths

Imagining an experience like backpacking to Knife Edge Peak 1000ft on both sides of the Point, is one thing.

Actually climbing the Peak with legs on both sides, and scrambling to reach the edge, in reality; is another.

Climbing in a peach black hole, which is several thousand feet deep, in Kimberly. Or crossing a rope bridge thousands of feet above ground level. May not be as attractive as you expected.

And once you on the trip, you may not have much of a choice. So do your homework before committing to a much too big Challenge.

8. Improper Outdoor Gear Or Insufficient Equipment:

Now don't get me started on the right type of hiking gear and equipment needed. Because each trip is unique and therefore the requirements are different.

But you don't want to forget your rain jacket at home, while visiting the rain forest. Bear in mind there are some standard tools that you can't do without; regardless of your destination.

A Fmfew examples of such are:

First Aid Kit, backpacking stove, lightweight camping tent, headlamp, compass, knife, flashlight, hand warmers, and so on.

There are much, much more. The way to ensure you are ready to put your boots to ruff terrain, is to get access to a backpacking checklist.

In Summary:

Preparedness and Planning is crucial can be the determining factor between life or death. Your journey starts long before you actually travel.

Pre-planning and deep research, can stop accidents before they happen!

According rescue worker; they're working around the clock in response to injuries, reported by people using the Table Mountains Park hiking route.

They trying to encourage hiking enthusiasts to hike in groups. Any amount more than four backpackers is considered a group.

Another thing worth noting is to be fully equipped with the proper gear, tools and equipment. Before embarking on a hiking journey, plan your routes professionally and to stick to your trail, don't suddenly change your paths that have been planned for your trip.